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© Lauge Floris Larsen

Welcome to Platform Ceremony

Platform Ceremony is an artistic research project investigating how the general perception of public transportation can be elevated. Public transportation, and especially railways, seem to have lost status in the broad public in many western countries, while it is undoubtedly one of the most sustainable modes of transportation in both short and long distances.

Furthermore, it is a historical catalyst of city development, where urban and rural areas are connected without the need of private car ownership.
The project therefore investigates how this status can be lifted through architectural hybrids, new emphasis on public-private collaborations, and last but not least how to approach a re-romanticization of the collective infrastructure. The project is a vision and invitation in one, where professionals and the broad public can meet in Copenhagen Central Station to discuss the future of public transportation.
Droemmekontoret is happy to collaborate with etnologist and journalist Anna Norup Lindblad.